
VNX+ is the translation division of Converting Minds that provides resources to facilitate the translation of Visual Novels and games in general. To achieve this, we rely on our own fan translation projects. Most of the projects have been carried out without any investment, however, some of them are supported by financial contributions (either through Patreon, Ko-Fi, or personal investment). Any donations or monthly subscriptions from our funding networks are converted into covering monthly expenses for our website or payments to team members for translation services.

Our portfolio includes official (Steam) and unofficial translation projects for Visual Novels and games. To get in touch with us, simply fill out the form with the requested information on the relevant page, especially with a proper explanation of the motivations to start the project.

Our team is now open to providing translation services for OFFICIAL Visual Novel / Games to Brazilian Portuguese (PT-BR). Unofficial translation projects of third-party games need to be evaluated by the team. All we want is to bring Visual Novels and games to our language, so if you know other languages, we encourage you to collaborate on a project.